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Crespo Lawn Care is here to make you happy about your lawn. Sometimes lawn mowing, although important, isn't enough. That's why we provide a wide range of services to make sure your lawn looks its finest. The best part... You don't have to do anything except call us. We work hard so that you can rest assured and satisfied.

Lawn Services


During the growing season, turf will be mowed weekly on a scheduled day to a height of 2 1/2 — 4 inches. All lawn areas will be checked for trash prior to actual mowing. We always take care to avoid sprinkler systems. No Crespo Lawn Care mowing job is complete until the walkways are blown to push any clippings back into the grassy areas so they can decompose naturally.


All walks, fence lines and bordered areas not accessible to mowers will be trimmed weekly for a well-groomed appearance. It may be necessary to remove low hanging branches to ensure mower accessibility.


Clearing paved surfaces of grass clippings

Turf Aeration

While aeration is beneficial for many lawns, it isn't appropriate for every situation. Here are some guides to determine if your lawn needs this service:

  • When the soil is compacted
  • When the thatch layer is more than 1″ thick
  • If you're going to overseed your lawn. Aeration exposes soil and provides better seed-to-soil contact needed for good seed establishment.

If you think your lawn may not be ideal, it may be because the soil is compacted or has excess thatch buildup. Give us a call and we can give you a free estimate on aerating your lawn.


What is thatch?

Thatch is the layer of living and dead stems, roots, stolons, and rhizomes between the green blades of grass and the soil surface. A thin layer of thatch (less than 1/2 inch thick) can be beneficial to the lawn because it helps to limit weed germination, reduce water evaporation, and protect from frost damage. However, thick thatch layers can prevent water, air, and nutrients from penetrating the soil, causing reduced root growth and increased potential for drought stress.

When to dethatch:


If your lawn has a bouncy feel to it when you walk on it, thatch is probably building up. As a general rule, plan to dethatch your lawn when the thickness of the thatch is more than 1/2 inch deep. To determine the thickness, remove a small square of your lawn to a depth of about 3 inches and measure the brown layer between the grass blades and the soil surface. For both cool and warm-season grasses, the best time to dethatch is mid-to-late spring or early fall. During this time when the turf is actively growing, the grass will quickly recover from injury.


The frequency of thatch removal depends upon how fast the thatch layer builds. Lawns that are overwatered, over fertilized, or growing on heavy clay soils may accumulate thatch quickly. Turf grass species is also a factor. Grasses such as bermudagrass, bentgrass, and Kentucky bluegrass build a thick thatch layer over several months and may need to be dethatched yearly. Grasses such as tall fescue and perennial ryegrass do not produce much thatch and may not need to be dethatched more than every few years.


There are two times of the year that are best for overseeding a lawn: spring and fall. Overseeding can be employed to renovate an existing lawn to grow off-season grass to keep the lawn green when the primary turf is dormant. Spring is the best time for lawn overseeding for lawn or to renovation.

Aeration helps to relieve soil compaction and break down thatch. This process allows your grass to grow deeper roots and make better use of water and fertilizer. Better soil to seed contact also makes this an excellent time to over-seed the lawn. Over-seeding can introduce new varieties of grass seed into the lawn.


By fertilizing with products specifically formulated for professional use, we'll give your lawn just the right nutrients at just the right time.

Weed Control

Weeds are divided into two categories. There are grassy weeds like crabgrass and broadleaf weeds like dandelions and clover. Our treatments are designed to control both.

Pre-emergent Weed Control

Pre-emergent weed control prevents many grassy type weeds from taking root in your lawn. This is a time sensitive application and must be in place in the early spring. Once applied, an invisible protective layer stops weed's and from taking hold. This will prevent crabgrass and other grassy weeds from rooting.

Post-emergent Weed Control

Post-emergent weed control takes care of weeds after they have sprouted. Dandelions are a good example of a weed controlled by post-emergent control. Unless weeds are extensive, we normally spot treat for these types of weeds. If lawn weeds are extensive, it may be best to wait until early fall when new grass seed can be applied. Killing off all the weeds in midsummer could leave some large holes in the yard.

Spring and Fall Cleanup

Our spring and fall clean-up service is the process of removing all leaves, branches and other debris that have accumulated over the course of the summer season throughout your property and landscape beds and hauling it away from your property. This service is a great way to prepare your lawn and property for the winter season.

As we approach the end of the growing season and prepare for winter, we need to reflect on the severity of disease each year and remember that most diseases survive winter within infected plant debris. Fungal material such as mycelium, spores, or specialized reproductive structures may persist in the soil, in fallen leaves, or in dead branches remaining on the plant. Therefore, as a professional lawn care company, we can try to minimize the amount of fungal material that survives winter by removing all debris prior to the first snowfall.

Japanese Beetle Control

 Japanese Beetles are an incredibly destructive plant pest found throughout most of the eastern United States, stretching westward toward states along the Mississippi River, including Minnesota. As adults, they damage plants by feeding on foliage of a multitude of trees, shrubs, fruits, ornamentals, flowers, vines, and vegetables.

Some of the more notable plants they feast on in the Twin Cities metro area are; rose bushes, grape vines, birch and linden trees, and raspberries. The damage can be identified by skeletonized leaves (eating the area between a leaf's veins) and large holes in leaves, this can often appear to be a lacey texture. The Japanese beetle grub lives in the soil and causes destructive damage by eating the roots of many plants including turf grasses.

Mosquito Control

(June - August)

Applied by our professionals around the perimeter of your property, our Barrier Spray works to knock down existing populations and prevent new infestations for up to 21 days, keeping you and your family safe from disease and bites.

Landscape Services


Proper design and laying of edging materials can make all the difference between a stunning landscape edging and a haphazard attempt at lawn beautification. Your lawn is far from perfectly level, and once you lay down a piece of edging that won't lay right, you'll realize just how much work you have for any sizable edging project. Of course, you probably don't need to hire a landscaping contractor for a few feet of edging around a bush or shrub, but for larger projects, it may be well-worth the time and the headaches you'll save.

Rock Bed Installation

When it comes to choosing landscaping rock for your yard there is no shortage of sizes and colors to choose from. Our landscape design specialists can help you determine what's best for your project and get it installed in no time at all.

Mulch Bed Installation

Mulch beds protect the soil from erosion, conserves, prevent weed growth and provide a "finished" look to your yard. Mulch is available in several colors, materials and textures. Our landscape design specialists will review the various options and help make the right choice for your project.

Flowers (Annual & Perennial)

We can supply and plant spring and fall flowers. There are also many varieties of bulbs we can plant for you in the fall.

Tree & Shrub pruning

All trees and shrubs need special care at some point during their growth. Some shrubs require pruning at a specific time in their growth cycle.

We can help with your trees and shrubs, whether your needs are form pruning to regain a tree's shape, or corrective pruning to help heal a tree or shrub that is in distress.

Our knowledge of specific tree, shrub and plant species is our strong point. We know what each of your landscape plants needs and can provide you with comprehensive care services to bring neglected plants back to full health.

Tree Removal

Trees are a precious commodity and removal is a last resort. However, there are circumstances in which tree removal is the best option. Obviously, a sick tree is a good candidate but all too often we see healthy trees uprooting sidewalks, cracking foundations and sewer lines or they're simply too close to houses or other structures.

Fertilization of Trees & Shrubs

Trees and shrubs require routine fertilization to maintain the health necessary for them to avoid pest and disease attacks. We will apply the right nutrients, at just the right time.

Weed Control

Pre-emergent herbicide applications can significantly reduce the need for weeding by hand. Spot treatments are available for problem areas. Weed control is available for sidewalks, parking lots, rock beds, mulch beds, walkways and driveways.

Spring and Fall Cleanup

All bedded areas will be blown out to reduce over-wintering leaves and other accumulated winter debris. Your lawn area will be raked as needed and a shorter-than-normal mowing may be performed to stimulate new growth. Leaves and debris can choke out the grass plants. We prepare your lawn for the long winter ahead.

Emerald ash borer

The Emerald Ash Borer is an invasive pest introduced from Asia that attacks ash trees. Its larvae live under the bark of ash trees and feed on their vascular cambiums which may ultimately result in tree death.

We can help protect the ash trees on your property. Controlling insects that feed under bark has always been difficult. Chemical treatments are effective and can greatly increase the chances of ash tree survival.

Ticks Control

(April – May & September - October)

Our spring and fall tick control treatments are applied to the perimeter of your yard, focusing on any dense or shaded vegetation. Our tick control service targets adult and immature ticks active this time of the year, and you can expect reduced ticks throughout the rest of the season. Please note that animals passing through can still carry ticks into your yard.

Crespo Lawn Care LLC

539 Lomianki Ln NE,
Columbia Hts. MN 55421

Ph: (612) 743-9017
Ph: (612) 275-2157